Established in 1905. The neighborhood boundaries are Ponce de Leon Avenue, Moreland Avenue Freedom Parkway’s southern spur, and the Beltline transit/trail. A third of the neighborhood’s total acreage is Freedom Park and Parkway as a result of two freeway developments that were successfully stopped by grass roots leadership, but not before 500+ homes had been demolished. Some streets are named for generals and journalists (Cleburne and Ralph McGill) and more recent famous name locations include The Claremont Lounge and Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. Most of the historic homes & commercial buildings are restored and lovingly maintained.
Freedom Park is one of Poncey-Highland’s outstanding assets offering accessible and ample greenspace which gives residents the best of what urban living can provide combined with access to serene open land for relaxation and exercise.
The residents of Poncey-Highland are a highly talented, interesting mix of young and old, longtime residents and new, families and singles, professionals, artists, students and more. Our neighborhood is a walkable, safe and welcoming place to live, work and play!